(Reseda luteola) – Also known as dyer’s rocket, weld is a biennial plant native to Europe and Western Asia. In its second year, it can reach heights of 3–5 feet, featuring slender spikes of tiny yellow flowers and lance-shaped, deep green leaves with wavy edges. Historically, weld has been a primary source of vibrant yellow dye, rich in luteolin, used since ancient times.
Type: Biennial
Sun: Full sun to partial shade
Water: Prefers well-drained, neutral to slightly alkaline soils; drought-tolerant once established
Transplanting: Transplanting germinated plants can improve planting density and time to harvest. Plants dislike root disturbance; transplant with care.
Availability: To minimize root disturbance before planting, only plugs are available.
Note: Harvest the plant as the last flowers fade for optimal dye quality. Weld produces a brilliant, lightfast yellow dye, historically significant in textile production.
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